Facing injustices and hardships upon arriving in Hawai‘i, Japanese contract immigrants demonstrated determination and perseverance in their struggle to gain acceptance. Later, as members of the legendary 100th Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, as well as unsung heroes of the Interpreter’s group, these same virtues helped them emerge among the leaders during the postwar years to shape the new Hawai‘i.
The Japanese in Hawaii: Okage Sama De is a chronological account of these immigrants. Enhanced by oral history, excerpts and brief biographical sketches, it includes numerous photographs—many from treasured family albums, adding a personal dimension to the history. Previously published in 1986, this new publication has been updated for a new generation of readers.
Written by Dorothy Ochiai Hazuma, Jane Okamoto Komeiji
paperback | 368 pages | 6" x 9" | B&W
Facing injustices and hardships upon arriving in Hawai‘i, Japanese contract immigrants demonstrated determination and perseverance in their struggle to gain acceptance. Later, as members of the legendary 100th Battalion and the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, as well as unsung heroes of the Interpreter’s group, these same virtues helped them emerge among the leaders during the postwar years to shape the new Hawai‘i.
The Japanese in Hawaii: Okage Sama De is a chronological account of these immigrants. Enhanced by oral history, excerpts and brief biographical sketches, it includes numerous photographs—many from treasured family albums, adding a personal dimension to the history. Previously published in 1986, this new publication has been updated for a new generation of readers.
Written by Dorothy Ochiai Hazuma, Jane Okamoto Komeiji
paperback | 368 pages | 6" x 9" | B&W